Green finance

NGOs, MFIs & Fintech

NGOs, MFIs & Fintech


Financing tickets


Interest rate


Alexandria Businessmen Association (ABA)

up to 220,000



Assiut Businessmen Association

up to 220,000



Agri Cash


For Agricultural financing: personal ID, land ownership documentation, land lease contract in the case of a lease, contract farming agreement with any contracting entity, certificate of crop supply to a company from the previous year (if available), letter from the agricultural association to which the client belongs, detailing their farming experience.


For renewable energy and irrigation financing: A copy of the national ID card for the individual or sole proprietorship, In the case of companies, the national ID numbers of the partners in the company, for lands in the Nile Valley and Delta, provide the agricultural holding card or a dated ownership document. If the land is leased, a dated lease contract from the relevant real estate registration office must be provided. For newly reclaimed lands in desert areas, provide the allocation contract and well drilling permits. A copy of the price quotation in the name of the individual or company from Agri Cash. Agricultural contracts (if any), in addition to the well drilling permit. In the case of establishments and companies, in addition to the above, also provide a recent extract from the commercial register, no older than 3 months, a Tax card, a tax status certificate from the tax authority, A receipt for payment of social insurance, The company's articles of incorporation and summary, as well as the latest amendment and its summary, in the case of companies.


Financing up to 3 million EGP

Interest: N/A

20% down payment
Payment plans up to 5 years

Erada/ Tamweely

up to 240,000



Halan/ Tasaheel 

Micro Enterprises: Suitable for projects with a capital not exceeding 1 million EGP. Financing up to 220,000 EGP can be requested and received within 3 days.

Small and Medium Enterprises: Suitable for projects with a capital not exceeding 20 million EGP. Financing up to 5 million EGP can be requested and received within a week.

Financing commercial, industrial, service, and agricultural sectors. Requirements include being an Egyptian citizen, aged between 21 and 63 years, must have an existing business for at least six months, should have a good reputation based on credit and field inquiries at their residence and business location, must have a valid national ID card, should not be a guarantor for any existing clients of the company, must have a guarantor with a good reputation, who is a relative up to the fourth degree. If no relatives are available, the guarantor should be someone with a stable income (employee or pensioner), and must provide proof of business location and permanent residence.

Interest rate: N/A

Reimbursement: The repayment period ranges from 3 months to 36 months (on a gradual basis). Repayment begins one month after the financing is disbursed.

Microfinance is suitable for projects with a capital of not more than one million pounds, and financing can be requested from 3000 pounds to 220,000 pounds with the lowest guarantees, and within only 3 days, financing will be received. SME financing is suitable for projects with profits exceeding EGP 20 mn annually and can request financing up to EGP 5 mn and receive the amount within a week.

Financing commercial, industrial, service, and agricultural sectors. Requirements include being an Egyptian citizen, aged between 21 and 63 years, must have an existing business for at least six months, should have a good reputation based on credit and field inquiries at their residence and business location, must have a valid national ID card, should not be a guarantor for any existing clients of the company, must have a guarantor with a good reputation, who is a relative up to the fourth degree. If no relatives are available, the guarantor should be someone with a stable income (employee or pensioner), and must provide proof of business location and permanent residence.


Reefy Microfinance




up to 240,000

Applicants must be Egyptian nationals
Applicants must be between 21 and 65 years old
Applicants must be owners of a pre-existing business
Valid national ID
Receipt utility bill
Commercial registration
Tax card



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