Green finance

National Bank of Egypt

National Bank of Egypt



Uses of funds (capex vs opex)

Clients/Types of Projects




Agricultural sector loans Financing Agri-activities CAPEX & OPEX SMEs with agricultural crops, poultry farms, livestock breeding projects (breeding and fattening), cultivation and modernization of the irrigation system, solar energy projects, milk collection centers, greenhouses, and other agricultural activities. A- Small Enterprise: Existing companies with revenues of EGP 250,000 to less than EGP 50 Million. New companies with capital of EGP 50,000 to less than EGP 3 Million.

B- Medium Enterprise: Existing companies with revenues of EGP 50 Million to less than EGP 200 Million. New companies with capital of EGP 3 Million to less than EGP 5 Million.
For Small Enterprises: 5% according to the CBE initiative (annual sales from EGP 250,000 to less than EGP 50 Million). For Medium Enterprises: 11% according to the Egyptian cabinet's initiative.

Building agricultural greenhouses Financing agricultural greenhouses up to a maximum of 90% of investment costs and working capital cycle. CAPEX & OPEX Fresh graduates and small farmers including individuals and micro and small enterprises. Maximum finance limit: EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and
EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available.
The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Dates packaging N/A CAPEX & OPEX Small and micro dates filling, packaging, and drying factories. Financing up to a maximum of 85% of the costs of machinery, equipment, cranes, and refrigerators. Financing up to a maximum of 80% of the working capital cycle. Financing up to a maximum of 70% of the cost of transport vehicles

The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

EBRD – GEFF  Financing energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects. CAPEX & OPEX Energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy investments  SME private sector borrowers for sustainable energy and resource efficiency investments.
Application form through filling the following form and submitting it to an NBE financing branch:
Eco-FEI – EU The fund provides financial support for cleaner production technology implementation within selected sectors of the industry. Once investments are implemented, enterprises must repay the amount of the loan from their own resources through installments, either monthly/quarterly or yearly, within a time frame of 5 years. Enterprise contribution and loans given to enterprises vary depending on the total individual investment. CAPEX & OPEX Renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental compliance, cleaner production General Eligibility Criteria of Enterprises include: being a FEI member, having more than 15 full-time workers, being an industrial project, being a private sector establishment, having a commercial registrar or industrial registrar, demonstrated potential for growth, financing environmental investments. interest rate of 3.5% per annum

EPAP III The Egyptian Pollution Abatement Programme (EPAP) is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment to help industry improve performance and comply with environmental regulations. CAPEX & OPEX Environmental and pollution control project financing for SMEs Eligible companies can apply for loans up to EUR 15 mn, with an additional
20% grant if they achieve the agreed environmental objectives. A separate
grant window of EUR 5 mn is available for SMEs. EPAP III stakeholders
receive technical assistance from across four components: improving
sub-borrower performance, capacity building for the EEAA, supporting
banks in marketing the investment facility, and conducting communications
and awareness activities. The program is expected to implement over 30
sub-loan projects and more than 40 SME projects

Fattening projects in cooperation with Ard Al Khair company Financing up to 100% of the cost of heads and feed. CAPEX & OPEX Providing credit facilities to the beneficiaries of the fattening project in cooperation with Ard Al Khair Company. Financing up to 100% of the cost of heads and feed. Maximum finance limit:
EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements. EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available.
The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%. 

Feed mills Financing up to a maximum of 85% of the cost of purchasing machinery, equipment, and raw materials. CAPEX & OPEX New and existing, micro and small feed industry activity projects. Financing up to a maximum of 85% of the cost of purchasing machinery, equipment, and raw materials. Maximum finance limit: EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements. EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.  

Finance in Common Agence française de développement (AFD) launched in November 2022 with the three major Egyptian banks; National Bank of Egypt (NBE), Banque Misr (BM) and Banque du Caire (BDC) the Finance in Common Program in Egypt. It comprises credits lines and grants for a total amount of more than EUR 153 million including a EUR 13.25 million grant from the European Union.  CAPEX & OPEX All sectors N/A N/A

Fish farms Financing up to a maximum of 85% of working capital cycle for fish farms. OPEX Owners of existing and newly established single-water farms (saltwater-based farms only). Financing up to a maximum of 85% of the working capital cycle for single-water farms. Financing up to a maximum of 60% of the working capital cycle for saline water farms. Maximum finance limit: EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%. 

GGF Financing energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects CAPEX & OPEX Industrial and agricultural N/A N/A

Mashroak (Your Business) NBE cooperates with the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) to provide finance via NBE’s representatives present at various local units nationwide. The purpose of finance includes the purchase of machinery, equipment, and fixtures, financing working capital, financing livestock projects, financing business owners and self-employed professionals, finance the purchase of cars.  CAPEX & OPEX Informal economy Financing tickets starting from EGP 25,000 and is up to EGP 750,000. The term of finance is up to 5 years. N/A

Micro Financing These enterprises are directly supported via the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Agency (MSMEDA)'s “Tamkeen Microfinance Project contract to finance new and existing micro-enterprises nationwide. The purpose of finance includes the purchase of new machinery and/or used or imported machinery and equipment, financing the working capital of new and existing enterprises, financing livestock projects, financing the project’s fixtures and finishing, funding the working capital and/or equipment, finance medical centers, clinics, pharmacies owned by doctors working in the public, business and private sectors.  CAPEX & OPEX Informal economy Financing tickets starting from EGP 25,000 and is up to EGP 750,000. The term of finance is up to 5 years. N/A

Milk collection centers Financing up to a maximum of 90% of equipment, machinery, and raw materials.  CAPEX & OPEX Existing and new milk collection centers. Financing up to a maximum of 90% of equipment, machinery, and raw materials. The maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Poultry farms Financing fattening farms (existing and new) in the field of poultry production. CAPEX & OPEX Poultry farms (existing and new farms). Financing fattening farms (existing and new) in the field of poultry production up to a maximum of 85% of investment costs and working capital cycle. The Maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Purchasing and feeding bulls for fattening purposes Financing up to 85% of bulls and feeding costs (for fattening) according to the customer's credit history. OPEX Small breeders from individuals engaged in breeding bulls, existing and newly established sole proprietors, and micro and small businesses. Financing up to 85% of bulls and feeding costs (for fattening) according to the customer's credit history. The maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Purchasing and feeding dairy cows for milk
Financing the purchase and feeding of dairy cows for milk production up to 85% of costs (for fattening/milk production). CAPEX & OPEX Small breeders from individuals engaged in breeding dairy cows, sole proprietors, and micro and small businesses.  Financing the purchase and feeding of dairy cows for milk production up to 85% of costs (for fattening/milk production). The maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Small dairy processing units (white cheese) Financing up to a maximum of 85% of equipment, machinery, and raw materials. CAPEX & OPEX Existing and new dairy processing projects (white cheese).  Financing up to a maximum of 90% of equipment, machinery, and raw materials. The maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

Solar irrigation financial products The product aims to remove the barriers to increasing power generation by small, decentralized, grid-connected PV systems implemented by households and small- and medium-sized enterprises. CAPEX & OPEX Micro enterprises and individual small holder farmers Financing up to a maximum of 85% for each of the following purposes: Upgrading and replacement of flood irrigation systems with sprinkler or drip irrigation systems, building a sprinkler or drip irrigation system for new lands and reclaimed lands that want to build a modern irrigation system, and solar-powered irrigation pumps. The maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

The upgrade of irrigation systems and solar energy
Financing up to a maximum of 85% for upgrading and replacing flood irrigation systems with sprinkler or drip irrigation systems, building a sprinkler or drip irrigation system for new lands and reclaimed lands that want to build a modern irrigation system, and solar-powered irrigation pumps. CAPEX All farms that use traditional methods (flood irrigation) or have new lands and want to build an irrigation system, small farmers including individuals and micro and small enterprises. Financing up to a maximum of 85%, the maximum finance limit is EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements and EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available. The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small-sized enterprises at an interest rate of 5%.

UNIDO - SHIP Supporting industries that will convert from the use of fossil fuel and electricity to solar energy for water heating
and producing steam
CAPEX & OPEX Industrial, Commercial, Tourism sectors and solar heater producers  N/A N/A

The upgrade of irrigation systems and solar energy

Financing up to a maximum of 85% for each of the following purposes:
- Upgrading and replacement of flood irrigation systems with sprinkler or drip irrigation system.
- Building a sprinkler or drip irrigation system for new lands and reclaimed lands that want to build a modern irrigation system.
- Solar powered irrigation pumps


All farms that use traditional methods (flood irrigation) or have new lands and want to build an
irrigation system.
Small farmers including individuals and micro and small enterprises.

Targeted projects:
All farms that use traditional methods or have new lands and want to build an  irrigation system.
Small farmers including individuals and micro and small enterprises.

Purpose and percentage of contribution:
Financing up to a maximum of 85% for each of the following
Upgrading and replacement of flood irrigation systems with sprinkler or drip 
 Building a sprinkler or drip irrigation system for new lands and reclaimed lands that want to build a modern irrigation system.
Solar powered irrigation pumps

 Maximum finance limit:
EGP 2 mn in the absence of financial statements.
EGP 3 mn if financial statements are available.

The Central Bank of Egypt's initiative to support small projects at an interest rate
of only 5%.


Supporting industries that will convert from the use of fossil fuel and electricity to solar energy for water heating
and producing steam


Industrial, Commercial, Tourism sectors and solar heater producers 




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