Green finance

Banque Misr
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Comprehensive Financing Solutions to Support Exporters | Financing services include financing working capital, machinery, equipment, corporate capital expansion, the procurement of raw materials and spares, and financing import operations (LCs, collection documents), with due consideration to hedging. In addition to the collection of export documents and all banking services, the ability to borrow against export contracts, supporting the participation of exporters in global exhibitions by covering shipping, travel, and accommodation expenses, hosting free workshops for the members of the export councils to build the companies capacities on the means of global trade operations, shipping documents, and the required documentation for opening export LCs; and providing training on compiling budgets and the required documents for obtaining facilities. | CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors | N/A | N/A | |
EBRD - Banque Misr - Green SME Loan I | Promoting targeted investment in sustainable energy and climate change mitigation, in the highly diversified private sector in Egypt | CAPEX & OPEX | Industrial, commercial, transport and agricultural | N/A | N/A | |
European Investment Bank Funding for SME Loans | Who can apply for an EIB loan? Local SMEs with less than 250 employees on a consolidated basis prior to the investment; Local MidCaps with less than 3,000 employees on a consolidated basis prior to the investment; Most economic sectors are eligible with a few exceptions, amongst which production of weapons and ammunition, arms, military or police equipment or infrastructures, equipment or infrastructure limiting people’s individual rights and freedom, activities which give rise to environmental impact, activities considered ethically or morally controversial or prohibited by national legislation, activities targeting the production or sale of goods which are the subject of an act infringing a trademark or a geographical indication, gambling, and tobacco-related activities. |
CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors- with the exceptions in the description | The loan term is a minimum of 2 years (the actual length of the loan will depend on the economic and technical life of the project financed) and it can be used to finance from very small projects to investments with a maximum cost of EUR 50 million. The EIB’s contribution, however, cannot exceed EUR 25 million. | N/A | |
FIF - Banque Misr - MSME Loan II | The EBRD loan will support BM's lending activities and expand access to finance for the underserved MSME segment. | CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors | N/A | N/A | |
Finance in Common | Agence française de développement (AFD) launched in November 2022 with the three major Egyptian banks; National Bank of Egypt (NBE), Banque Misr (BM) and Banque du Caire (BDC) the Finance in Common Program in Egypt. It comprises credits lines and grants for a total amount of more than EUR 153 million including a EUR 13.25 million grant from the European Union. | CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors | N/A | N/A | |
Financing SMEs (profitable)- Medium Businesses | The bank provides medium and long-term financing for regular medium companies operating in the field of industry according to the initiative of the Central Bank of Egypt and with a lending return (8%) to finance working capital, machinery, equipment, or new production lines. Note: In contrast with other high-cost financing products, and if the conditions are not met, financing is provided on a case-by-case basis, in collaboration with the SME Financing team. | CAPEX & OPEX | Medium-sized enterprises | Financing SMEs (profitable) 1) Financing small enterprises a) Recently established enterprises: the paid-up capital must be between EGP 50,000 and EGP 5 million for industrial enterprises and EGP 3 million for non-industrial enterprises. b) Existing enterprises The bank finances small companies for all types of enterprises, whether individual, personal companies, or finance companies, in all industrial, commercial, and service activities, provided that their sales are from EGP million to EGP 50 million, and according to the needs of each client, at a 5% interest rate (low, declining interest), For the industrial, service and agricultural sectors following the Central Bank of Egypt’s initiative. 2) Financing medium enterprises a) Recently established enterprises: the paid-up capital must be more than EGP 5 million up to EGP 15 million for industrial enterprises and between EGP 3 million and EGP 5 million for non-industrial enterprises. b) Existing enterprises: the bank finances small-sized companies for all types of enterprises, whether individual, personal companies, or finance companies, in all industrial, commercial, and service activities, provided that their sales are from EGP 50 million to less than EGP 200 million, according to the needs of each client. |
5% interest rate (low, declining interest), For the industrial, service and agricultural sectors in accordance with the Central Bank of Egypt’s initiative. | |
Financing SMEs (profitable)- Small Businesses | a) Recently established enterprises: The paid-up capital must be between EGP 50,000 and EGP 5 million for industrial enterprises and EGP 3 million for non-industrial enterprises. b) Existing enterprises: The bank finances small companies for all types of enterprises, whether individual, personal companies, or finance companies, in all industrial, commercial and service activities, provided that their sales are from EGP million to EGP 50 million, and according to the needs of each client, at a 5% interest rate (low, declining interest), For the industrial, service and agricultural sectors in accordance with the Central Bank of Egypt’s initiative. |
CAPEX & OPEX | Small enterprises working on Industrial activities, services and professions | Financing SMEs (profitable) 1) Financing small enterprises a) Recently established enterprises The paid-up capital must be between EGP 50,000 and EGP 5 million for industrial enterprises and EGP 3 million for non-industrial enterprises. b) Existing enterprises The bank finances small companies for all types of enterprises, whether individual, personal companies, or finance companies, in all industrial, commercial and service activities, provided that their sales are from EGP million to EGP 50 million, and according to the needs of each client, at a 5% interest rate (low, declining interest), For the industrial, service and agricultural sectors in accordance with the Central Bank of Egypt’s initiative. 2) Financing medium enterprises a) Recently established enterprises The paid up capital must be more than EGP 5 million up to EGP 15 million for industrial enterprises, and between EGP 3 million and EGP 5 million for non-industrial enterprises. b) Existing enterprises The bank finances small companies for all types of enterprises, whether individual, personal companies, or finance companies, in all industrial, commercial and service activities, provided that their sales are from EGP 50 million to less than EGP 200 million, according to the needs of each client. |
5% interest rate (low, declining interest), For the industrial, service and agricultural sectors in accordance with the Central Bank of Egypt’s initiative. | |
Financing societies, private institutions, and MSME financing companies | Banque Misr provides integrated financing solutions to support project owners at a competitive interest rate and to ensure the continuity of their role as success partners for their clients. | CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors | The activity of the client shall be within the scope of the city, in which the branch granting the loan is located, and the villages and centers (Marakez) affiliated to it, in addition to the neighboring cities and the centers of governorates where there are no branches for Banque Misr or where there are branches that do not provide such service. The activity must be established for one year at least, whether the client practices the activity and continues practicing it from his place of residence or the client has a separate place of activity (except for the products of Mashroak 1 and Mashroak 2; the loan is granted for new projects, provided that three months shall elapsed since the registration of the project). The existence of a joint guarantor who is inquired about a comprehensive and good inquiry. The client owning the project must hold Egyptian nationality; must be of full capacity and good reputation; and his age shall not be less than 21 years old and not more than 65 years old at the loan maturity date; however, in case the client’s age exceeded 65 years old, then the guarantor’s age shall be less than 60 years at the loan maturity date. The client or his guarantor, at least, must have the ability to read and write. One loan is granted for both the customer and entity together; and concerning companies, no more than one partner shall borrow for the same entity. The guarantor of the client requesting the loan shall not be a minor and shall not be guaranteeing another client. The score of each client, guarantor, and entity in I-Score’s assessment report shall be at least “Satisfying”. The value of the monthly installment shall be appropriate to the profits that the customer receives from the project. There shall not be bilateral guarantees between the debtor and guarantor. The client shall not receive loans for existing Small Enterprises before receiving the approval to grant him/her the microfinance. | Depending on the amount of the microfinancing: either a 28% p.a. decreasing or a discount rate +3 % p.a. |
GGF/ Sanad Fund Loan | Financing energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects | CAPEX & OPEX | SMEs and Egyptian households | N/A | N/A | |
Mashroui Mashrouak | Contribute to aiding existing projects with revenues ranging between EGP 1 million to less than EGP 50 million | CAPEX & OPEX | Small enterprises working on Industrial activities, services and professions | Mashroui Mashrouak financing percentages: up to 80% for machinery and equipment, up to 80% for automotive, and up to 100% of working capital. Required Documents include a recent transcript from the commercial registry, a copy of a tax card, a copy of an activity license (temporary, final, under issuance, or not subject to license), taxation and insurance status, a copy of the project location’s ownership deed or lease contract, budgets since the start of the activity or a maximum of the last three budgets for existing companies, a copy of articles of incorporation and amendments thereof (for individual or finance companies), for recently established projects, a feasibility study is needed from a certified public accountant. Digital small business loan express financing percentages: up to 80% for machinery and equipment, and up to 100% of working capital. Required documents include a recent transcript from the commercial registry, a financial statement for at least the last year, taxation or insurance status, national ID of enterprise owner/partners in the case of companies, a tax card, articles of incorporation, or the latest amendment in the case of companies, supplier records (at least 2 suppliers) or quotations in the case of financing machinery. |
5% simple diminishing interest for industrial activities, services, and professions as per the Central Bank of Egypt initiative. | |
Micro loans first product "Your Business" 1/ Supporting women | Banque Misr provides integrated financing solutions to support project owners at a competitive interest rate and in order to ensure the continuity of their role as success partners for their clients | OPEX | Micro Enterprises | The activity of the client shall be within the scope of the city, in which the branch granting the loan is located, and the villages and centers (Marakez) affiliated to it, in addition to the neighboring cities and the centers of governorates where there are no branches for Banque Misr or where there are branches that do not provide such service. The activity must be established for one year at least, whether the client practices the activity and continues practicing it from his place of residence or the client has a separate place of activity (except for the products of Mashroak 1 and Mashroak 2; the loan is granted for new projects, provided that three months shall elapsed since the registration of the project). The existence of a joint guarantor who is inquired about a comprehensive and good inquiry. The client owning the project must hold Egyptian nationality; must be of full capacity and good reputation; and his age shall not be less than 21 years old and not more than 65 years old at the loan maturity date; however, in case the client’s age exceeded 65 years old, then the guarantor’s age shall be less than 60 years at the loan maturity date. The client or his guarantor, at least, must have the ability to read and write. One loan is granted for both the customer and entity together; and concerning companies, no more than one partner shall borrow for the same entity. The guarantor of the client requesting the loan shall not be a minor and shall not be guaranteeing another client. The score of each client, guarantor, and entity in I-Score’s assessment report shall be at least “Satisfying”. The value of the monthly installment shall be appropriate to the profits that the customer receives from the project. There shall not be bilateral guarantees between the debtor and guarantor. The client shall not receive loans for existing Small Enterprises before receiving the approval to grant him/her the microfinance. | Depending on the amount of the microfinancing: either a 28% p.a. decreasing or a discount rate +3 % p.a. |
Micro loans second product/ "Your Business" 2 | Banque Misr provides integrated financing solutions to support project owners at a competitive interest rate and in order to ensure the continuity of their role as success partners for their clients | OPEX | Micro Enterprises | The activity of the client shall be within the scope of the city, in which the branch granting the loan is located, and the villages and centers (Marakez) affiliated to it, in addition to the neighboring cities and the centers of governorates where there are no branches for Banque Misr or where there are branches that do not provide such service. The activity must be established for one year at least, whether the client practices the activity and continues practicing it from his place of residence or the client has a separate place of activity (except for the products of Mashroak 1 and Mashroak 2; the loan is granted for new projects, provided that three months shall elapsed since the registration of the project). The existence of a joint guarantor who is inquired about a comprehensive and good inquiry. The client owning the project must hold Egyptian nationality; must be of full capacity and good reputation; and his age shall not be less than 21 years old and not more than 65 years old at the loan maturity date; however, in case the client’s age exceeded 65 years old, then the guarantor’s age shall be less than 60 years at the loan maturity date. The client or his guarantor, at least, must have the ability to read and write. One loan is granted for both the customer and entity together; and concerning companies, no more than one partner shall borrow for the same entity. The guarantor of the client requesting the loan shall not be a minor and shall not be guaranteeing another client. The score of each client, guarantor, and entity in I-Score’s assessment report shall be at least “Satisfying”. The value of the monthly installment shall be appropriate to the profits that the customer receives from the project. There shall not be bilateral guarantees between the debtor and guarantor. The client shall not receive loans for existing Small Enterprises before receiving the approval to grant him/her the microfinance. | Depending on the amount of the microfinancing: either a 28% p.a. decreasing or a discount rate +3 % p.a. |
POS Loan | Short-term financing for working capital needs of current enterprises (manufacturing, retail, services), whether sole proprietorships or partnerships, based on average monthly P.O.S. transactions over the past six months through Banque Misr or other bank P.O.S. systems. | OPEX | All manufacturing, retail, and service enterprises. | General lending criteria include that the borrower must be 21-65 years old at loan maturity, the borrower must be literate, and the business must be operating for at least one year, consistent monthly P.O.S. transactions over the past six months - excluded if inactive for 2+ months, financial statements are not required for sales of under 20 million, and the business must be located in the branch coverage area. | N/A | |
ZAAT | A comprehensive financing program designed to support Egyptian women. Financing benefits include financing of up to EGP 6 million, payment periods of up to 60 months, competitive rates with simple conditions and procedures, exemption from the recurring expenses of the savings account (for the duration of the loan), deferment of payment during maternity leave by up to three months, exemption from administrative charges of savings accounts, exemption from issuance charges of retail/corporate debit cards, free personal insurance policy against accidents throughout loan tenure, issuance of youth cards and linking to the customer’s account, salary transfer for employees. Non-financial services include using internet banking and BM wallet without administrative charges, advisory and non-financial services tailored to the project, and capitalization on services and privileges offered by Banque Misr’s business development centers “Nilepreneurs”. | CAPEX & OPEX | All sectors | N/A | N/A |