Green finance





Uses of funds (capex vs opex)

Clients/Types of Projects


Interest rate


Agri mechanization Financing mechanization for agri sector CAPEX Small farmers, agricultural cooperatives and agribusinesses The financing amount is up to 80% of the value of machinery and equipment and the client must contribute 20%. Additionally, full financing is available for purchasing spare parts or performing repairs.The maximum loan limits for individuals is 250,000 EGP, for agricultural associations at 500,000 EGP and for environmental companies (excluding joint-stock companies) is at 500,000 EGP. N/A

Bab Rizq - informal sector - housewives raising livestock Financing rural women, breadwinners, small traders, craftsmen and street vendors to help them implement new projects or develop existing ones. CAPEX Breadwinner women, livestock breeders, handicrafts and traders of fertilizers, feed etc. The loan amount ranges between 2,000 and 10,000 Egyptian pounds. The loan tenure ranges between 6 and 12 months. 11.25% annual declining for individuals with special needs.

Cooperative Associations loans Financing the current and investment activity of cooperative societies CAPEX & OPEX Agricultural associations The funding must be repaid within a maximum period of one year from the date of granting. Repayment can be made in a single installment at the end of the facility, depending on the association’s activities and incoming cash flows. Funding period for investment activities is based on cash flow status, with a maximum period of 5 years, including a grace period of up to one year. 5% annually, simple declining rate with no commissions

Crops Loans Assisting the farmer in covering the agricultural land service and the costs of agricultural production, which contributes to improving the income level of farmers and helps to improve the quality of production. Selected features include financing 25 -70% of the production costs related to the production of horticulture and field crops. OPEX Small farmers The loan amount ranges from 2,000 to 10,000 Egyptian Pounds, and the loan tenure can be anywhere between 6 to 12 months. 5% for supported crops.

Central Bank lending rate + 5% for non-supported crops.

Dairy Collection Centers loans Financing the establishment and development of milk collection centers in accordance with international specifications and standards, in order to ensure the quality of milk production and its products CAPEX & OPEX Agricultural associations and breeders. For investment financing: funding covers 100% of the investment cost for equipment, machinery, and installations with no maximum limit and no administrative fees. For operational financing, a maximum of 500,000 EGP for financing operating expenses. N/A

Livestock loans Financing livestock projects, whether in relation to breeding and fattening programs or dairy production, with the aim of supporting small breeders and producers and contributing to the development of livestock in order to achieve self-sufficiency in red meat and dairy products. CAPEX & OPEX Fresh graduates, small breeders, farmers, corporations and associations Livestock: The minimum investment is 3 heads and the maximum investment is 55 heads. The term is a maximum of 1 year. 5% for purchasing (local or imported veal) according to Central Bank initiatives.

Medium & Large enterprises loans Financing machinery, equipment, new production lines, or operational financing CAPEX & OPEX Medium and large enterprises working in industrial, agricultural, and renewable energy sectors. The maximum funding period is in accordance with the project's cash flows, with a maximum of 10 years, including the grace period. 8% annual decreasing with no commission.

Modern irrigation in delta and reclaimed areas Financing the implementation of transformation projects from the flood irrigation system to drip/spray irrigation systems. Selected features include being a loan without interest and having a long tenure with a 1-year grace period CAPEX Small farmers, agricultural cooperatives and agribusinesses Funding areas: funding for the costs of establishing drip irrigation systems and funding for the costs of establishing sprinkler irrigation systems. Benefits include a grace period of one year at the start of the project, being an Interest-free loan, repayment period is up to 10 years, annual installments, simple procedures with no administrative fees. Interest free

MSE loans Financing small and micro enterprises CAPEX & OPEX Micro & Small enterprises Existing Companies: Micro-enterprises with annual sales/revenues that are less than 1 million EGP and a number of employees fewer than 10. For small enterprises:
annual sales/revenues for agricultural activities starting 250,000 EGP to less than 50 million EGP, and other sectors with 1 million EGP sales/revenues to less than 50 million EGP and a number of employees that is fewer than 200.

New Companies: Micro-enterprises with paid-up capital that is less than 50,000 EGP and a number of employees that is fewer than 10.For small enterprises with a paid-up capital of 50,000 EGP in industrial sectors to less than 5 million EGP, non-industrial sectors with less than 3 million EGP and a number of employees that is fewer than 200.
5% annually with a simple declining interest rate

Scrap car replacement octane with natural gas --- Agriculture equipment Financing replacing octane cars with natural gas one CAPEX Car owners Funding limit is a maximum funding limit of 450,000 EGP and the funding duration includes repayment periods ranging from 7 years to 10 years. N/A

Solar pumping Financing projects to modernize irrigation systems that are powered by solar energy to enable farmers and producers to purchase and install modern irrigation pumps that are powered by solar energy. CAPEX Farmers, Corporates, Agri associations Funding for the purchase of solar energy systems and equipment. Loan Limits:
Minimum limit: 50,000 EGP
Maximum limit: 1,000,000 EGP


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