Green finance

Green finance

Green financing facilities specifically support businesses that aim to grow while greening their operations. This section of the guide will help SMEs explore various green financing options ranging from debt financing, equity financing, grants, and other development financing programs. It is critical to note that identifying the relevant financing mechanism is highly linked to the business’s strategic plan, the type of investment support that comes with the various financing mechanisms, and the need for financing. It is worth exploring expert support in assessing financing offerings. 

The listing includes mapping public information on debt-lending Nongovernmental Institutions (NGOs), Micro Financing Institutions (MFIs), Financial Technology Firms (Fintech), and banking institutions with dedicated green finance products or products serving the green sectors at large (Agriculture, food manufacturing, waste, energy, and the bio-based economy). 

The mapping includes public information on equity-lending entities including angel investor groups, venture capital funds, and early private equity funds with a history or an interest in investing in green sectors. Additionally, Listing publicly available grants for the green sectors with eligibility for the Egyptian Market. 

Call for Participation: The Mapping leveraged publicly and digitally available information on various green financing products and funds, presenting data that is valid as of 31 October 2024, further support can be available by reaching out to the Climate and Environment Investment Unit (CLIEU) at the Ministry of Environment through the following email cleiu@moenv.

Financial institutions that have climate and environment investment financing programmes can contact the Ministry should they wish to update the information contained in this page.

This content was developed by Chemonics Egypt for EBRD and UNIDO in 2024.

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